
Transmedia: Stories, Games & Learning

book-birds-smWhere formerly, the author started with a book, which was perhaps translated into a game, and later learning media, now the gaming market has grown exponentially, so publishers want first to assess the game potential of the work.

Nova Spivak, founder of Twine
, a unique blend of technology and story-telling, told his story when he sold the company: “My time with EarthWeb really helped me to understand that challenges and potential of sharing and growing knowledge socially on the Web. I became passionately interested in finding new ways to network people’s minds together, to solve information overload, and to enable the evolution of a future global brain. After EarthWeb’s IPO I worked with SRI and Sarnoff to build their business incubator, nVention, and then eventually started my own incubator, Lucid Ventures. . .”

Spivak said, “Our long-term plan was to create a major online portal powered by the Semantic Web that would provide a new generation of Web-scale semantic search and discovery features to consumers. But for this to happen, first we had to build our own Web-scale commercial semantic applications platform, because there was no platform available at that time that could meet the requirements we had. In the process of building our platform numerous technical challenges had to be overcome.”

Our focus is on how translation from one medium to another changes and enriches the work.



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